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programming attiny85 (Arduino nano)
ATtiny Programmer Shield Arduino Nano
programming attiny85 (Arduino nano)
– Perforated circuit board 3×7 cm
– Male Headers 2.5 cm
– Female Headers for ATtiny
– Wires
– 10uF capacitor
– Arduino Nano

10uF Capacitor: Arduino nano pins: RESET —||— GND
Wiring your ISP connection
ATTiny85 Pinout:

configuration :
- in Arduino IDE navigate to File>Preferences
or press “CTL+Comma” and add this URL to Additional boards manager URLs:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json - you should see the Attiny board on the list of boards Select yours.
- change the CLOCK to internal 8 MHZ Tools>CLOCK menu.
- Select the Arduino as ISP in the Tools>Programmer menu.
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