Visual python Arduino
Visual python Arduino nano analog potentiometer with vpython visual script
required python library :
- vpython library
- serial library

#Python code: from visual import * import serial usbSerial = serial.Serial('com3',9600) mysene = display(title='Arduino Voltage') mysene.width = 400 mysene.height = 400 mysene.autoscale=True mysene.range= (12,12,12) target = cone(pos=(0,0.1,0),radius=4 , while (1==1): rate(25) if(usbSerial.inWaiting()>0): myData = usbSerial.readline() value = float (myData) target.axis = 0,value,0 volt=" V" text = label(pos=(0,7.5,0),border=10,line = True, text = str(myData + volt) )

int pot = A0;//pot ist Analog pin 0
int readValue;// Declaring unser readvalue variable
float Voltage;
int led2= 3;
int Voltage2;
void setup() {
pinMode(pot,INPUT); //make pot as input
Serial.begin(9600); // Start your Serial Port
void loop() {
readValue= analogRead(pot);
Voltage = (5./1023.)*readValue + 0.01;
Voltage2 = readValue/4;
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